multipurpose messaging app

Can you recall the last time you visited a shop to get a message pack recharge done so you could text your family and friends? It feels like a story about a whole different black and white era. Thanks to app like WeChat, Messaging has transformed gradually ever since then. 

Multipurpose messaging apps have come out a long way and driven to the highest graphs when it comes to popularity. Exchanging ideas has always been a central aspect of any society and has gained a huge following over the centuries. Since times immemorial, people have communicated through different means starting from sign language to instantly sending messages over the internet. These messaging applications can have myriads of utilities for people apart from simple communication. Including making things easier such as online payment, seeing a person’s facial expression while calling via video chat, ordering food from the comfort of your home. If you are an ambitious person willing to invest in kick starting such an application. 


It has been made clear with the most recent multipurpose messaging app data statistics that Whatsapp has won over the market with over 2.0 billion users worldwide and on the second position stands Facebook Messenger with a user base of 1.3 billion people from around the globe. WeChat mobile application comes third in the list with a sum of total 1 billion users in the world. Below is a statistical image that depicts usage data of messaging apps like WeChat from 17 countries and other regions.

Analyzing this infographic will help you understand the popularity and usage rate of messaging apps and provide you a better picture in conceptualizing your WeChat app development process.

messaging app like wechat

Understanding WeChat App

It all started with the emergence of WeChat as a small project that was initially launched in China strictly as a messenger app. Later in the world, it offered various other features along with mobile calling and multimedia sharing. These features include- WeChat Stores, WeChat payments. 

For a better comprehension of the WeChat App development process, let’s first understand how WeChat turned into talk of the show- A huge success. 

wechat mobile application

  • It started with baby steps and covering one thing at a time. During the initial stage, WeChat came out as a really small app which had a download size of around 2 MB. With the time and technology moving ahead, the app kept releasing new features to give an edge to competitions. This further leads to the point that when you develop app like WeChat you must ensure to hire developers that provide seamless solutions and features which do not affect the size of the app.
  • To create a faithful user base, the WeChat app team did not charge users for any features initially. The features of the app were offered to its users without costing even a coin. This implies that a free service or a feature can help your business to gain traction in terms of popularity. When the time is right, you can subtly insert a charging fee from your users for any advanced features and can also generate revenue from advertisers. 
  • Later in the story of WeChat mobile application, the features of WeChat games and WeChat payments were added. When you are developing an app, you must have aces from the deck, i.e, bring unique ideas to the game.
  • When more features were added in the app, small-scaled retailers found this as an opportunity to bring their business online. With this, the app was not limited as a messaging app anymore, it became a platform to flourish businesses. 

Entailing all the features of WeChat application, these are just the basic functions that a messenger app must have. If you think that the multi-purpose messaging app market is somewhere you should invest in, hire the best mobile app development company

The notoriety of any application relies upon the list of capabilities and interesting USPs they bring to the market. At the point when you contact our specialists to construct an application like WeChat, we make it a highlight to study other comparative applications too and convey you an answer that assists you with standing apart from the group and bring you better arrangements.  

Features that make WeChat distinct in the world of messaging apps

What can help you with building an application like WeChat? The one thing that you would have to get right and fall set up are the components since they can address the choosing second application. The features are all that makes and shakes an app. If you have a strong feature game that is easy to access, the market is already yours. They pick the inevitable destiny of an application and attract customers. What about we examine the parts one should have a go at remembering for their application expecting they need to develop an application like WeChat: 

messaging app like wechat

Multimedia comparability: In the long stretches of 5G, one should reliably have a go at just wonderful. Since people like to share sentiments as emoticons and gifs, applications like WhatsApp and WeChat should be engaged with such parts. These applications should similarly allow customers to share blended-media records like plans, accounts, tunes, pictures, etc You ought to guarantee that the application is feasible with such components. 

Video chats: In the current time frame, video chats are a rage, and every person, paying little heed to their land region is using this part. On the off chance that you are expecting to encourage an application like WeChat, you ought to guarantee that you’re offering a good quality video calling the decision to the customers. Regardless, if the quality is furious about any level, it might just tick off the customer driving them to uninstall the application. 

End-to-end encryption: You would rather not be the reason for your customers’ nuances being spilled, right? Subsequently, manage the beginning-to-end encryption of your application for the prosperity and security of the singular data of the customers who have enrolled themselves on your application. The encryption should be very stunning giving no degree for software engineers to assault the security of the customers. 

Deletion of sent messages: Envision a situation where a customer needs to eradicate a singular message or a lot of messages sent by him to another customer. For sure, for the present circumstance, you ought to make an application that is pre-presented with this limit and permits the customers to eradicate sent messages. 

Cloud storage: Attempt to consolidate help like dispersed stockpiling which is thoroughly secure like that of Amazon Web Organizations’. There is a lot of exchange of messages that go around, as such guarantee the data that is taken care of in the dispersed stockpiling. 

Monitoring: Not everything about the applications like WhatsApp and WeChat mobile application is okay. These stages have routinely been used to progress political deliberate exposure or upset a neighborhood someone, for which they have gotten genuine observations. On the off chance that you are aiming to make a similar application, attempt to stop your application from such practices. 

Push notification: One should attempt to join spring-up messages as a piece of the application to exhort the customers when they get a message from someone. This control center returns customers to an application. 

Group Chats: Gone are the days while chatting with one single person at one time was a thing. With pack talks gaining reputation, visit applications should ponder this decision. These help a customer stay connected with a get-together of people all the while. 

Sharing Location: This helps the customers in conferring their region to individual customers. They should moreover have the choice to set the best chance for the detectable quality of their space. 

Profile: A customer should have the choice to make their profiles by entering their personal details like name, address, contact nuances, etc in addition, a customer can modify his profile by adding their photographs as show pictures on the application and by setting up their status. A profile lets users identify other users with the help of names and pictures. 

With these interesting components, WeChat mobile application gained omnipresence in an incredibly restricted ability to center. If you additionally need to transform into the top picks of your customers, basically offer them an answer they can without a doubt relate with. If the visit application has various parts and offers reliable correspondence, it ends up being exceptionally more straightforward for them to get advantage making achieves no time. 

How do these applications generate revenue?

We have adequately examined the rundown of abilities of these applications and how they make it a feature to bear the market with no issue. Since you would not be charging your group for using the application you need to find substitute sources to get cash through downloads. You can either choose to offer a freemium structure or a free application to acquire benefits. 

Advertisement: Like most different applications, these applications offer space to brands and associations to show their advancements on the application. Since the WeChat application is presented on more than 1 million contraptions, they charge a commission to the associations for showing their ads. 

Create a mini-program: The application enables the customers to become online retailers and sell their things on stages like WeChat little program. This thought can be followed by other adaptable visit applications moreover. For each trade made, the application charges a particular total that adds up to their pay. 

Subscription: People who have enrolled themselves as sellers on the application are compensated an appealing aggregate by the application according to the arrangements made by them. This enables the application to acquire twofold advantages. 

Outsourcing games: While WeChat offers a huge load of games that are a piece of the genuine application, there are games that they re-fitting from the designers as a compromise for cash. 

These are the most notable and dominant ways to deal with adjusting your WeChat like the application so you can start developing profits really quickly. If you have some other variation contemplates, we are just a click away. 

Our flexible application development team offers you captivating game plans that are future-planned. These applications are worked with the latest advancement and floats and would stay in the market regardless of when your challenges need a development break.


There is a reason why apps like WeChat and WhatsApp have been in the limelight and had an edge over competitions in the app industry. The reason is that they offer a smooth user experience and come with various robust features in one single app. Such apps have so much to offer on one single plate and are believed to be the future of communication and smartphones. The Market of messaging apps has become the most productive land to sow seeds in. Even though the need for such apps is growing like fire in a forest, investment in any project is something to carefully think about. 

Get in touch with us to develop apps like WeChat, our experienced and diligent team knows how to fashion a high-performing and robust app for their clients.
Also read: How Much Does It Cost to Develop Food Delivery Apps like Zomato, Grubhub, Uber Eats?

Frequently Asked Questions

When you develop an app like WeChat, there are various things that you must keep in mind. These factors include

  • Target Audience
  • Monetization Strategy
  • Analyze your competition
  • Create a valuable app

There are various ways with which you can generate revenue. You can charge a subscription fee to your users to allow them the benefits of using your app. Furthermore, you can also use advertisement tactics and offer in-app purchases to your users.

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